Workplace Safety

Signing, Lighting and Guarding

The Signing, Lighting and Guarding training course is taken by an experienced street works trainer and the course aims to provide delegates at both operative and supervisor levels with the knowledge and skill set necessary to conduct their tasks when Signing Lighting & Guarding in a safe, legal and proficient manner in keeping with the New Roads and StreetWorks Act of 1991, in order to protect pedestrians, road users and themselves. By the conclusion of the course delegates, will be able to identify and use the correct traffic control measures. Correctly use the related equipment and erect and dismantle signing lighting and guarding in line with the current codes of practice.






1 day

Valid for

3 Years


Supported by CITB grant

About this course

The course will give the delegate with a thorough understanding of the health and safety issues and their legal responsibilities in the role of erecting the signs, lighting and guarding as well as the physical practical considerations that need to be considered when setting up temporary roadworks on the highways.

The Signing, Lighting and Guarding course covers the following content:

  • Basic principles of signing, lighting andguarding
  • Practical use of the relevant code of conduct
  • Relevant sections of the 1991 New Roads and Street Works Act
  • Setting up & phasing of temporary traffic lights
  • Practical demonstration of equipment to be used
  • Traffic control measures and techniques

Who this course is for

The Signing, Lighting and Guarding training course is for operatives who as part of their duties have to set up the temporary road signs and traffic lights on the roads and highways.


This course combines classroom delivery with practical sessions with equipment used in the work place.


Candidates successfully passing this course will be awarded are Skills People Certificate of Competence.


This course is delivered using both classroom and practical demonstrations, with delegates being assessed by verbal questioning and the assessment of practical tests. Supervisors attending the course will be asked to provide written assessments of practical demonstrations they have observed.A group of candidates may only contain operatives but in order for supervisors to be trained at least two operatives must be present on the course in order that they can be assessed supervising the Signing, Lighting & Guarding practical activities delivered during the course.

Additional Information

Candidates attending this course will need to have a good understanding of written and spoken English and be physically fit and healthy.

Check price and availability

  • A member of our training team will contact you with course details, locations and prices.

Entry Requirements

It is important that all delegates have a good understanding of spoken and written English and have the operating experience as described in the ‘Introduction’ of this course overview. Candidates must have passed the CSCS H&S touch screen test within two years of taking the CPCS technical test.